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Increasing Child Support Payments | Feinberg & Waller, APC, Video Transcript
If you’re receiving child support in Los Angeles or Ventura County, or frankly any county in the state of California, and you become aware that the person paying support is now making more money or has come into more money, you may be entitled to a bigger amount of child support. The reason for this is that child support is designed to be money given to the custodial parent who is raising the children and your children are allowed to share in the benefits of the high earner’s lifestyle. Now, that may mean that the custodial parent also shares in these benefits because the money comes into the home, but that’s perfectly okay; the system is designed to account for that. But, if you’re receiving child support, you can in fact get an increase if the circumstances are appropriate, simply by going into court and asking. And, you can go into court and ask with an experienced child support attorney or, if you can’t afford an attorney, many courts have self-help centers available and they have people there who will help you fill out the forms, get them in front of the judge, get your hearing date, and give you the opportunity to speak to the judge yourself and ask for the increase in child support.